Payments policy

Payment Methods

The following payment options are available for your convenience:

Paypal: You can use your Paypal account to send payments securely.

Payment Security:

We are committed to keeping our customers’ payment information secure.

Paypal account and credit card information is encrypted and protected to the highest security standards.

Payment Processing

Payments will be processed immediately after successful payment confirmation.

We do not store important payment information after the transaction is completed.

Payment Currency

On our website, all transactions are made in US dollars. Please make sure you know the currency you are paying in before proceeding. If necessary, the exchange rate will be determined by Paypal or your affiliated bank.

Payment Confirmation

You will receive a confirmation email or receipt from us once your funds have been successfully processed. This receipt provides proof of your payment. Please retain it for your records.


Our Refund Policy outlines our refund guidelines, if any. Before making a payment, please review this policy as it outlines the circumstances under which a refund may be granted.

Privacy and Security

We are committed to protecting the security of your personal information and payment data as well as your privacy. For more information on how we manage your data, please visit our Privacy Policy.

Changes to our Payment Policy

We reserve the right to change or modify our Payment Policy at any time, without prior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on this page. You are obliged to check this policy periodically for any modifications.

You accept the terms and conditions of this Payment Policy by using our website to make payments. Please do not use our website to make payments if you do not agree with any element of this policy.

Contact Us


Address: 2404 Rosewyn Ln, Billings, MT 59102, USA

Mon-Fri: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm